Friday, September 30, 2016

Fall Bouquets

Special order for H. Fall bouquets...

 Oranges and yellows.....

Fantastic jewel toned.....

A little bit of everything...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Sunflowers that I have in bloom for Sept 15th. - Special Order.

Procut Gold - I have quantity 30 of the smaller variety.
Some are all the way open but some are opening such as this one.

Procut Orange - I have quantity 29 of the smaller blooms.

I've got some that are still cupped.

 This is the biggest one that I have.

 I also have some smaller ones.

Unopened blooms - I have about 10 that are starting to open now.

I am unsure which variety these are but they will be more open tomorrow.

I can get more pix if you would like. Let me know what will work.