Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dahlias need some love too!

Our first dahlias started to come on about mid-June last year.

This was the very first one. 

We are so excited about our dahlias this year. For now they are resting in a nice, comfy bed of peat moss. But they are excite to get growing!

Yay blooms!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

You just never know...

You just never know.....

 When this....

Is going to do this!

..and just who is going to land where.

Yay blooms!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Let's think about summer!

Remember summer when everyone was happy? Me too!

Summer is all about zinnias....

 ...and rows of snaps!

Don't forget the daylilies....

And always there are sunflowers!

Yay blooms!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's the new growing season!

There might be snow on the ground but we are thinking about the new growing season!  We can't wait to get growing and get our planting started.

Last year our growing season was fabulous.....

It started out with just a wink...

 Then a blink.....

Then they were everywhere!

We can't wait for our first blooms - soon the fields will be bursting!

Come on, everybody, think spring and let's get this party started!